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After the September 2013 floods struck, Boulder County Government turned to Legacy Mediaworks for video production work on a series of online videos to help guide residents in the right direction to get assistance and begin rebuilding their lives. 

Boulder County Flood Recovery Videos

Flood Recovery Under Way

Produced mainly to highlight the extent and cost of damage sustained in the county. ​​

Give road crews room to work

Created to spread the message to give road crews room and access to begin repairs.

Commissioners Flood Response

Created while rescues of stranded residents were still on-going.

Flood Rebuilding & Permit Information Center Opens 

Informing residents about a consolidated nexus of funds and resources, while illustrating the extent of the damage caused.

Flood Insurance Program

Informing and urging residents to purchase flood insurance before spring runoff season begins. 

Spring Runoff Preparedness

Informing residents the dangers of possible dangers during spring meltoff after the floods.

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