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  • legacymediaworks

Juggling chainsaws

You are requested to produce a 7-minute video, while still managing four other projects in various states of production.

Oh, also, you have less than four weeks to go from pre-production to completion. And your interviews with be in two languages.

For Legacy Mediaworks, it was time to go buy some more Sweet Bloom Coffee Roasters Hometown blend!

Well, yes.

But also making small miracles like this possible is not just because of the magical abilities of our team. It begins with having a client partner who has a strong idea of what they want. It might not be a solid vision -- most of the time it isn't. But they know what role the end result will fill, and how it will further their communications or marketing goals.

This is more important than ever as budgets are beginning to shrink in the face of financial uncertainties.

My advice: don't have a video produced just because. Have a clear intention on how that fits into a campaign; how it might reach a new audience or just keep in touch with your existing one.

Let us help you figure out how it will look and feel. That's one of our strengths.

In the case of the Resident Leadership Council, it meant working with the fantastic team of Gabriela and Nancy. They had a clear intent on what this video should do; help inform and sway panel members attending a community meeting -- including the mayor and council members from the City of Aurora.

To start, the RLC helped organize residents to interview, provided a list of shoot locations, and were responsive when we got deep into an accelerated pre-production period. When it came time for our shoot days, working with a fantastic producer, Stephanie, let me focus on the tasks of making the interviews and video look and sound good.

We edited the video together in two stages, and three drafts later, it was ready to show in front of a few hundred people.

During the entire process, working with a great client partner let us successfully achieve their objective in a short turnaround time, without skimping on quality.

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